Facebook and Birthdays -Being a Non wisher

Birthdays are happy occasions for the person and his/her loved ones.
not the Facebook friends. Seriously.

 Facebook friends means, you know bunch of 1000+ strangers..

Imagine a guy with a 1000 Facebook friends.. That means every day is supposedly birthday to one of his 3+ friends.
Can he wish everyone a happy birthday?

Wishing strangers every day is super good. It's angelic.
I mean, there is no compulsion. It's your choice. It's not possible. It's OK to be a non wisher.
Facebook and birthdays - Being a Non wisher

Come on, People forgetting their girlfriend/boyfriend's birthday these days.

Being a non wisher..

  • To be honest, I hate to see notification of stranger's birthday. 
  • I don't fake wish anyone. 
  • Especially, if it's a girl's birthday, I never post a wish because bunch of flirty heads and perverts occupy the girl's wall with their indirect love proposal in a birthday wish. I don't wanna be one of them. 
  • No Facebook friend get notified for my birthday too because I disabled my birthday getting notified. 
  • You know what not a single wish on my wall this birthday and I'm good with that because 
  • I don't have to fake wish anyone. It's mutual. 

 Why people trying too hard..
  • There are automatic wishing apps available. App will post a happy birthday wish on your behalf. 
  • Whether you like it or not you have to post a fake wish in their wall? 
  • My friend using the app to wish his 1000+ Facebook friends. 
  • What if all using auto wishing apps , the app wishing an app. Pointless. 

 Let's understand the concept of happy birthday. If someone wishing you at your birthday, you are important to him /her and he or she remembers you.
It's all about remembrance, you are in someone's heart and they wishing you. That's it.
All that app wish, fake wish are..
Never mind.
