Face Recognition - Facebook - Face Tag

Facebook is never care about user privacy,yet another privacy prob for Facebook and this time its about Automatic face recognition. Facebook add new features pretty often (even without informed),few looks good and few(many few s) looks bad Many cries foul about these things. I always support Facebook,
That's Why
  • Facebook is not a private place and its not made for individuals.
  • If you looking for individual privacy, You already have G mail. In G mail, you can be so alone.. no one gonna see you anymore. But don't tell password to others(hush..).
  • If you need to be so private with your friends, then host your own social media.
  • You should understand that Facebook is a commercial website after all, It belongs to a money loving kid called Mark Zuckerberg. That kid  doesn't care about your privacy.
  • Facebook, ultimately a website belongs to someone, we are just members and visitors in that site. Mark zuckerberg  never invited anyone to his site, We are going everyday and sharing everything. 
  •  So talking about privacy in Facebook is mere stupidity.
  • Still you need privacy then delete your Facebook account.
 Anyways, How to disable Face recognition:
  • In Account
  • Select Privacy Settings,
  • In Things others share,
  • Look for Suggest photos me to friends,
  • Click Edit Settings
  • Look there is something Enabled(default),
  • and Disable it..
This is what Facebook says in the face tag settings,

" This feature uses a comparison of photos you're tagged in to suggest that friends tag you in new photos.

You're always in control of your tags on Facebook:
  •     Only friends can tag you in photos
  •     We'll notify you when a friend has tagged you
  •     You can remove a friend's tag at any time
  •     Tag suggestions are based only on photos you've allowed yourself to be tagged in. "

Oh,.. see how good Facebook is..
